This is a chance where you get to comment on how good or bad you think this website is. So using the spaces provided answer the simple questions and just click submit and your done. I may have to print off the feedback forms as evidence for my work so if you don't want your name on a print out then don't fill in the name box all feedback forms wont be printed out just a select few.

First Name  required

Last Name  required

Age  (Be honest)

Your e-mail (so I can send a reply to it) required

what country do you live in (as a matter of interest)


What did you think of this website??

Just choose one of the choices below in the drop down menu.

What made you come to my website??

Just tick ONE of the boxes

Found it on a search engine Someone told me about it  stumbled across it when searching for something else

Other please state below  >>

Text Box: Home 



If any modifications need to be made to my website then please chose from the list below

Pictures need re-working

Hyperlinks need sorting out so they go to the right page

The backgrounds are rubbish and need to be matched to the themes of the pages

The animations don't work properly on the page (s)

The colour of the text is hard to read on my computer

Please use the box below to add any other comments, suggestions, questions, requests or errors etc

Thank you for taking the time to fill in my form please use the submit button to send this form to me and I will read this form and take note any problems but I am sure there isn't any!!.